Do you want to make a tangible, significant difference in the lives of others? Life coaching may well be your next career…
Here are ten reasons to consider becoming a professional adviser in the rapidly expanding world of life coaching:
It’s a satisfying career choice.
The life coaching profession has become a credible and mainstream occupation. The numbers of coaches, coaching businesses, and training courses for coaches seem to almost double each year. People are finding that coaches DO help, and if you’re a good coach, you’re in demand. You’ll work with clients who want to get more out of life and work. And they want your guidance to get there. This is very rewarding.
You can live and work anywhere.
Life coaches can work out of their homes – a familiar and comfortable environment. There’s no rush hour
You can earn while you learn.
You could begin coaching in a small way while training, while you’re still earning in your current work. Your lifetime of skills learned at the ‘university of hard knocks’ will serve you well. Over time, you’ll become a master at your new profession of life coaching by ‘doing’ it.
Great Income Potential
Coaches in private practice can make a solid living and more if you keep up with your own professional development and offer relevant and useful coaching. Coaching clients can get results from 30 minutes a week – meaning a high effective hourly rate for you.
You’ll get a supportive network.
These days everyone networks through professional groups, and your success depends to an extent on how well you do this. You need to know and be known by a wide range of people. In addition, life coaches are generally very willing to help each other, because when they do everyone wins.
It’s a career you can begin now.
While becoming a top coach requires the same several years of dedication that all professionals need, you can start quickly.
You’ll accelerate your own development by being a coach.
Teachers always learn as much or more, than their students. You get the ongoing benefit of your own training. By default, you’ll be in a growth environment, and always talking with others about maximizing their potential. You win from this. And networking with other coaches will only enhance your experience.
Really make a difference.
A career which focuses on helping people to do enhancing and positive things for themselves is where you’ll experience the satisfaction of making a difference. Coaches help others improve their quality of life, to set, stretch for and achieve their goals. Many of our life coaching students want to be significant people who make a difference in the world. Being a life coach is a good way to do it.
You’ll be continually uplifted.
Life coaches get to meet and have meaningful relationships with a broad range of interesting and goal orientated individuals. Successful coaching enlivens the soul; it can bring joy, an emotion too often absent from our busy lives. Both coach and client benefit from this creative exchange of positive energy.
Start with coaching, and end up wherever you like…
Begin as a life coach; extend yourself in professional and personal development, and you can go on to become an author, speaker, even be internationally known in your field of expertise. Life coaches have their own business, decide their own hours, and choose their own clients, and income.
Life coaches give a wonderful service. Almost anyone will achieve growth when paired with the right coach who extends and challenges them. Not everyone is suited to coaching but for those who are, it’s a very rewarding and satisfying career. Consider it.
So ask yourself: What would be the benefits for me if I became a life coach?