There is a saying widely circulated on the internet which is a great thought provoker and one which its hoped will also give you ‘food for thought’.
Umbrella cannot stop the rain, but allows us to stand in the rain
Confidence may not bring success, but it gives the power to face the challenges
It’s interesting when we look at this saying and what it really means or how it could be interpreted.
We often use umbrellas in the real sense and in the metaphoric sense too. Wouldn’t it be great if we could imagine that every day it’s raining, and we are using our umbrella to enable us to walk in the rain without getting wet?
Imagine how much more we could achieve if we did this, how many more places we could go, and how much farther too!
Doesn’t this in turn give us confidence? Confidence to do these things and confidence in ourselves. If we have confidence in ourselves, then doesn’t this in turn help us achieve and manage our failures or shortcomings, and with this of course we become tougher and stronger and more able to take on more, face more challenges and become successful.
So how can we incorporate this into our lives to help us to take on these challenges and increase our confidence?
Here are 6 steps you might want to consider over the forthcoming weeks:
B – Be positive – be aware of those negative thoughts and keep them at bay
R – Be realistic – ensure what you do is achievable, don’t overdo it
O – Be optimistic – keeping focused on what you can do not what you can’t do
L – Be logical – ensure your steps follow a sensible path that is clear
L – Be loving – particularly to yourself, you need to be good to you more often
Y – Be yourself – don’t lose ‘you’ in the process, only do what seems natural
Remember to have that plan to take your umbrella out in the rain at least once a week to help you broaden your comfort zone to increase your self-confidence and gain success.