Someone very wise once said when life gives you lemons, make lemonade (Elbert Hubbard in 1915 specifically, thanks Google).

I decided that I’d had my share of sucking on lemons. After a few devastating life events including a disabling chronic autoimmune disease, a divorce and having my 2nd teaching career cut short, these threw up some troubling future dilemmas.

Following moving towns yet again and no longer being physically able to work, I decided my lemons had been simmering long enough. I was finally ready to add sugar to make my lemonade. 

For many years my head has been full of many story ideas just swirling around ready to leap out onto paper and with a constant niggling feeling of becoming an author quietly playing background music.

Now I felt this was the time to satisfy my curiosity and test myself, so I signed up for NZIBS Writing Stories for Children. As it turned out doing this course was one of the best things I’ve done as it stimulated and challenged me, I learnt many techniques and that my strange thoughts and stories do have a chance out there.

Originally, I thought all I wanted to write was picture books but now I’ve got many different writing styles up my sleeve and I’m excited about them all. My tutor was very supportive with expert knowledge and tips guiding me well through this course and I now know I can do this.

Now that I have my label printed (bio), I’m ready for bottling and distribution. Hopefully with a long-lasting fizz.

Do you want to spark a child's imagination?

Develop a full time career or part time hobby as a children’s writer. Writing stories for children can be a enjoyable income earner, with a lifetime of royalties.