I would like to thank everyone at NZIBS for the Proofreading and Editing course which I have just finished and for the diploma and pen. I am one very proud person.
Your letter advising me of my graduation, mentions the step into the unknown taken by students and the tenacity and persistence to undertake distance learning. This has been made so much easier knowing that there was always someone there to answer queries and set us on the right track without telling us the answers.
I have joined both NZ and overseas closed Facebook forums suggested by Kathy Swailes and have picked up a lot from their questions, answers and comments, also additional websites on all types of editing topics. A lot of the members are only too happy to share their knowledge and I would recommend these sites to all students and graduates.
To Dick Ward, my tutor, thank you so much for the support and guidance I have received throughout the course, you have been a brick! I used to haunt the mailbox when I knew my marked assignments should be arriving!
To the students—don’t give up, keep going, use the student forum that gave me so much help, you will be rewarded at the end. It is such a good feeling to know that your hard work has paid off. And know how lucky you are to be part of such a well-run course.
Graduate of Proofreading & Editing course.