If constantly improving yourself is part of your character, you’ll be applying these tips already.
Tip 1: Don’t fall behind in your earning potential
If you’re not earning as much as you need, or as you think you’re worth, or if you missed a job promotion –– look for ways to upskill yourself. Become a more valuable person. Pick a subject which will help you earn more. Set targets. What can you learn in -say- six months? If you are interested in expanding your capabilities and setting up your freelancing business, NZIBS has a range of courses that may be suitable.
Tip 2: Start early enough
Establish a regular routine of reading and study. Research what you need to do in advance of needing the money. Don’t wait until you’re behind in your rent before finding out how to earn more money. Ask your boss at work whether learning more about xyz will improve your income earning potential. If the answer is yes, do it. This will ensure you stay on top of your work, with greater job satisfaction.
Tip 3: Live a balanced life
Take into account your family responsibilities. Achieve a balance between your leisure activities and your financial duties. Develop friendships with people who are as ambitious as you are. Avoid people who are negative thinkers.
Tip 4: Be prepared to make some sacrifices
The more you need money, the fewer should be your social engagements. Use your recreation time to learn new skills. Don’t be tempted to do a crash course as this could result in mental burnout and diminished your motivation. When you give yourself enough time, learning can be FUN. It it’s not fun, you’re not doing it right.
Tip 5: Understand the stuff as you go along
If you’re unsure of what you’re studying, ask someone to explain it to you as soon as possible. Preferably your teacher. Don’t delay this because most courses are cumulative, so understanding of one concept is critical to understanding the next.
Tip 6: Do it now
Don’t procrastinate. (Best time to start is while you are young.) You can make up for lost time by making study a priority.
Tip 7: Never give up
Be persistent, even in the face of difficulties. Don’t think you’re too old to learn, you’re not. You’ll never be younger than you are now. Remember, Colonel Sanders was over 65 when he started his KFC business.
Tip 8: Keep one eye on your long-term goal
In a horse race the jockey may have his eyes on the hurdle ahead, but his inner eye is fixed on his mid-term goal: to lift the Melbourne Cup aloft to the cheers of the crowd. And his long-term goal: to get into the small group who earn the highest jockey fees. Write down your own mid–term and long-term personal goals, so you can keep them in mind as you face the obstacles of life.
Tip 9: Know who you’re doing all this for
If you study only to keep your parents happy, you’ll soon give up. You need to know what achieving your new qualifications will do for YOU. How will the new skills, knowledge and diploma improve your earning ability or enjoyment of life? Most people’s future earning power depends on learning more. That’s life.
Tip 10: Plan backwards
Think through the steps you need to take to achieve your ultimate life’s dream. Now work backwards. Know the steps between the target and where you are NOW. Make a list. Know what it takes to achieve each step. Tick them off as you achieve them.
Learn how to earn an income working from home
Train for a new job at home, and in your own time. The Institute has been giving adults a second opportunity at a new career since 1991, by teaching people the skills to grow personally and become financially self-reliant. Discover your options. Make choices.